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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Yes He's Turned ONE!

The creature has turned ONE! We've survived our first year as parents!! Thank God for his mercies and protection!

Marc gets a weekly bruise on the forehead now - either from a fall or knocking his head on the floor from crawling too fast, etc. He's able to walk 5-6 steps before falling, then getting up again and continuing. Sometimes when he's in the mood for speed, he prefers to crawl. We brought him to RP where the Husband teaches and the campus is amazingly huge (one incentive to move to Woodlands). There are nice water features and lots and lots of space! So Marc crawled to his heart's content on the carpeted floor. And because it was carpeted, we didn't have to clean his drool! hahah!!

He's a determined boy. When he wants to go somewhere or touch something - he doesn't give up. He insisted on touching a rubbish bin yesterday and we removed him at least 10 times - he just went right back to it. Same thing today at our neighbours house. He insisted on crawling to the laundry area - and I don't let him to there because of all the washing detergents and other poisons. But he kept crawling back. I foresee discipline can be a problem! He's not afraid of me at all - probably cos I miss him so much that I give in to him most times. The only effective disciplinarian so far is the Husband. Well, grandpa says at least he's afraid of someone.

Talking about the Husband - he LOVES daddy! He looks at daddy's picture on the computer screen and goes "deh deh deh deh"....when he gets in the car he goes "deh deh deh deh" - probably cos he knows Daddy does the driving. And he still gets me mixed up with food..."mum mum" = food, "ma ma" = mummy. I hear mum mum everyday...I think I haven't heard ma ma in a week.

And he's DEFINITELY a Type A personality. He's forever on the go, either exploring something, or going somewhere - he HATES to sleep. Putting him to bed is what he hates most everyday and he literally needs to be forced...he can crawl himself to exhaustion and he won't stop. And he doesn't "space out" - we get comments that he's very proud and serious - he looks that way when people talk to him cos he's just not he looks away at you or ignores you, but he doesn't actually stare into space and think. I've seen many babies space out whilst riding in their strollers, or in their parents arms. I don't think I've seen him space out once this entire year - even when he was a newborn! This boy is gonna be a workaholic.

His favourite game is Peekaboo. Any variation thrills him. I hide under a blanket and he pulls it off and when I shout peekaboo - he screams in excitement. Today we just played Peekaboo with the laundry basket. He's getting louder each day - either humming strange tunes, or walking around the house going "ah ah ah ah"...and lately going "ga ga ga ga"....he can make a funny face by squinting his eyes together, although he rarely does so on cue. I realise that he hates to be forced to do anything and doesn't "perform" like other kids. Maybe he's not at that stage yet.

I'm still waiting for him to learn to clap. I'll definitely upload a post when he does.

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