Yes Yes! I 've finally gotten round to setting up my own pregnancy journal. After extensive searching of blog providers, I've come full circle and ended up back with Blogger...I heard that there are new security features available, so I'm going to give it a try. Been wanting to set up a journal so that I can keep everyone updated on my adventures.
I've hit Week 13 today and am doing well. The picture was taken at my last scan, which was at Week 11.5. The little pipsqueak would have grown a bit by now. My skirts are getting tighter and I've been in denial about it for some time now, thinking that its gas...but it doesn't seem to go away, even in the mornings. So maybe its not gas.
The Symptoms
Am glad that the nausea is almost 100% gone now...and so has the constant churning. The smell aversions have lessened considerably. Strong perfume and cooking smells still puts me off, but not as badly as before.
I've also got more energy than during my first trimester, which helps a whole lot. But i can't seem to sleep very well anymore! Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a really heavy sleeper - but since getting pregnant, I either get up to pee all the time (pipsqueak pressing on the bladder) or I keep waking up and not being able to fall asleep again! My colleague tells me its the body's way of getting you ready for sleepless nights...oh no...somehow I think my 8 hour sleeps at a stretch nights are gone forever. *sob*
The Diet
Its hard eating food with the right amount of nutrients! I looked at a sample pregnancy menu the other day and was shocked - I didn't even eat that much when I was NOT pregnant and had my appetite! How am I going to manage all this food? I'm torn between taking the pregnancy milk formulas out there in the market and diligently watching my food and taking my vitamins. My doctor is very pro-getting-your-nutrients-from-food and i really do agree. But its almost IMPOSSIBLE to chock up 1000mg of calcium a day - that's like cheese, milk, tofu at every meal! The Husband detected Trans Fat in the milk formulas, which explains our hesitation to buy them...but if the benefits outweigh the negatives...hmmm...I don't know.
My next scan is in 2 weeks time. I love seeing the scans - actually the printouts don't do justice to the image you see on screen. At our last scan, pipsqueak was bouncing around and waving at us...we could see the nose, and all the fingers and toes...its really quite amazing. The wonders of God's creation!
i don't buy taking supplements at this stage either - i don't trust anything artificial. you can never accurately estimate what kind of adverse effect it would bring about, and you might not even notice it till the baby is like 5 or 6 years old. just too scary.
all the babies and the mums in the past survive without knowing how much calcium they need. just try to drink more milk and soya bean milk. and cut down on carb but eat more meat!!!
and you guys are right - NO TRANS FAT!
drink more soya bean and eat more soya bean curd, so Paul Jr. will have nice fair skin.... hmm...
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