Went to see a Physiotherapist this week and she did an assessment. Turns out that one of my Sacro-iliac joints is stiffer than the other, hence one side of my hips have to over compensate, causing the pubic symphysis joint in the front to rub against each other, causing some misalignment and inflammation. Its not too serious and quite common, most pregnant women feel better after delivery but its important to take good care of my joints and prevent permanent damage. All this joint weakness is caused by the body producing the hormone called Relaxin which loosens all the ligaments and joints in preparation for labour. Apparently there are exercises I can learn to strengthen my core muscles to compensate for the joint weakness, but I've been too lazy to make another appointment to go back and learn them!
Pipsqueak is definitely getting heavier and his head is really low in my pelvis. I can actually feel him turn his head and I get shooting pains in my pelvic area when he decides to do a head butt or turn from side to side.
As a result I've been freaking all my colleagues out because I have no idea how soon I'll go into labour and all my files will be left hanging! So I've been trying to brief my colleagues on my active cases so that there is some continuity should I pop unexpectedly.
His growth rate is pretty phenomenal now, you can actually see the growth from day to day. I read that he's pretty much fully formed now, just putting on weight so that he can regulate his temperature in the outside world. He's also shedding his lanugo hair which covered his body in the womb, protecting him from the amniotic fluid.
I have another checkup this Friday, after this checkups will be weekly. I've got my hospital bag 90% packed, if not for the stuff which I still have to use from day to day. I've been trying to convince the Husband to read the labour and delivery chapters in "What to Expect when you're Expecting" so that he's prepared - but I haven't been very successful yet!